Cruise ships don’t have to pay you back for anything that’s not specified in your cruise contract. If, for example, your ship leaves a day late or comes back a day late due to bad weather, the cruise line does not have to compensate you for an extra night in a hotel or a missed flight.
Usually, a cruise line will try to work with its passengers when something like that happens. In some cases, that could be offering cash to help with travel expenses or even working with airlines to allow passengers to rebook.
Cruise lines, however, do not have to give passengers anything that’s not in their contracts. That means that when something happens and a port gets missed, a ship gets delayed, or something else goes wrong, it usually does not owe anyone any sort of compensation.
That has one passenger very angry and social media personality Jayson Judson shared the full story in a YouTube post.
A cruise passenger is upset and wants compensation because the captain of the MSC Davina had a heart attack, which forced the ship to go back to Miami and caused them to miss Nassau Bahamas where the passenger pre-booked excursions outside the cruise line and they want MSC to pay for them since they were unable to get a refund.
Most commenters told the passenger to stop being selfish as emergencies happen. What do you think?
Cruise passengers share their thoughts
“The cruiseline should take care of their customers….this amount of money is insignificant to them,” @BeyondYourIQ wrote.
@Tiximmimmi does not agree.
“Tell them that. If it was a cruise [line] excursion, I would agree. But when you don’t purchase through the cruise line, it’s not covered. That’s why there is a price difference. You pay less to go book someone else, but it’s a double edge sword,” they shared.
#FluffyUnicorns33 agreed.
“I think if you book excursions outside of the cruise line you do it at your own risk. I personally always book excursions with the cruise line because if I’m late getting back I don’t want to miss the ship. I also want my money back in the event of an emergency,” they posted.
They also shared another reason to not book outside excursions.
“It is better to make them with the cruise line because if something goes wrong they will give you back your money, or if you are late returning, they wait for you if they can wait for you. My sister was in Nassau over the summer and she had an excursion that was booked with the cruise line and they were late returning however they waited because it was with the cruise line. The second the trip returned they got them on board and left,” they added.
Some just see the passengers as being entitled.
“Bet the next passanger wants compensation for storm which ‘ruined’ the cruise,” posted @Leas7830
Some do see it as the cruise line’s responsibility.
They didn’t get to where they was promised so yes they get a 100% refund, added @Reeced6724.
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